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Free Online Pressure Units Converter

The Pressure Units Converter from Intemodino is a free online service that helps you to convert pressure units in Standard (US), Imperial and Metric systems. You can convert atmospheres (atm), millibars (mbar), bars (bar), pascals (Pa), hectopascals (hPa), kilopascals (kPa), pounds per square inch (psi), pounds per square foot (psf), kilograms per square meter (kgf/m²), inches of mercury (inHg), millimeters of mercury (mmHg), toors (Torr).
You can convert pressure values in decimal format as well as in fractional format. To switch input from decimals to fractions just click the switch button ('⊟'/'▭').

MmHg conversion formulas and factors

The mmHg to Torr conversion factor is 1
1 mmHg = 1 Torr
To convert X millimeters of mercury to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 1 = Result in toors

The mmHg to inHg conversion factor is 0.03937008
1 mmHg = 0.03937008 inHg
To convert X millimeters of mercury to inches of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 0.03937008 = Result in inches of mercury

The mmHg to kgf/m² conversion factor is 13.59510128
1 mmHg = 13.59510128 kgf/m²
To convert X millimeters of mercury to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 13.59510128 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The mmHg to psf conversion factor is 2.78449622
1 mmHg = 2.78449622 psf
To convert X millimeters of mercury to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 2.78449622 = Result in pounds per square foot

The mmHg to psi conversion factor is 0.01933678
1 mmHg = 0.01933678 psi
To convert X millimeters of mercury to pounds per square inch you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 0.01933678 = Result in pounds per square inch

The mmHg to kPa conversion factor is 0.1333224
1 mmHg = 0.1333224 kPa
To convert X millimeters of mercury to kilopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 0.1333224 = Result in kilopascals

The mmHg to hPa conversion factor is 1.333224
1 mmHg = 1.333224 hPa
To convert X millimeters of mercury to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 1.333224 = Result in hectopascals

The mmHg to Pa conversion factor is 133.3224
1 mmHg = 133.3224 Pa
To convert X millimeters of mercury to pascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 133.3224 = Result in pascals

The mmHg to bar conversion factor is 0.00133322
1 mmHg = 0.00133322 bar
To convert X millimeters of mercury to bars you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 0.00133322 = Result in bars

The mmHg to mbar conversion factor is 1.333224
1 mmHg = 1.333224 mbar
To convert X millimeters of mercury to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 1.333224 = Result in millibars

The mmHg to atm conversion factor is 0.00131579
1 mmHg = 0.00131579 atm
To convert X millimeters of mercury to atmospheres you should use the following conversion formula:
X millimeters of mercury × 0.00131579 = Result in atmospheres

MmHg conversion chart/table

1 mmHg = 1 Torr
1 mmHg = 0.03937008 inHg
1 mmHg = 13.59510128 kgf/m²
1 mmHg = 2.78449622 psf
1 mmHg = 0.01933678 psi
1 mmHg = 0.1333224 kPa
1 mmHg = 1.333224 hPa
1 mmHg = 133.3224 Pa
1 mmHg = 0.00133322 bar
1 mmHg = 1.333224 mbar
1 mmHg = 0.00131579 atm

InHg conversion formulas and factors

The inHg to Torr conversion factor is 25.4000003
1 inHg = 25.4000003 Torr
To convert X inches of mercury to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 25.4000003 = Result in toors

The inHg to mmHg conversion factor is 25.4000003
1 inHg = 25.4000003 mmHg
To convert X inches of mercury to millimeters of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 25.4000003 = Result in millimeters of mercury

The inHg to kgf/m² conversion factor is 345.31557668
1 inHg = 345.31557668 kgf/m²
To convert X inches of mercury to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 345.31557668 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The inHg to psf conversion factor is 70.72620475
1 inHg = 70.72620475 psf
To convert X inches of mercury to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 70.72620475 = Result in pounds per square foot

The inHg to psi conversion factor is 0.4911542
1 inHg = 0.4911542 psi
To convert X inches of mercury to pounds per square inch you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 0.4911542 = Result in pounds per square inch

The inHg to kPa conversion factor is 3.386389
1 inHg = 3.386389 kPa
To convert X inches of mercury to kilopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 3.386389 = Result in kilopascals

The inHg to hPa conversion factor is 33.86389
1 inHg = 33.86389 hPa
To convert X inches of mercury to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 33.86389 = Result in hectopascals

The inHg to Pa conversion factor is 3386.389
1 inHg = 3386.389 Pa
To convert X inches of mercury to pascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 3386.389 = Result in pascals

The inHg to bar conversion factor is 0.03386389
1 inHg = 0.03386389 bar
To convert X inches of mercury to bars you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 0.03386389 = Result in bars

The inHg to mbar conversion factor is 33.86389
1 inHg = 33.86389 mbar
To convert X inches of mercury to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 33.86389 = Result in millibars

The inHg to atm conversion factor is 0.03342106
1 inHg = 0.03342106 atm
To convert X inches of mercury to atmospheres you should use the following conversion formula:
X inches of mercury × 0.03342106 = Result in atmospheres

InHg conversion chart/table

1 inHg = 25.4000003 Torr
1 inHg = 25.4000003 mmHg
1 inHg = 345.31557668 kgf/m²
1 inHg = 70.72620475 psf
1 inHg = 0.4911542 psi
1 inHg = 3.386389 kPa
1 inHg = 33.86389 hPa
1 inHg = 3386.389 Pa
1 inHg = 0.03386389 bar
1 inHg = 33.86389 mbar
1 inHg = 0.03342106 atm

Psi conversion formulas and factors

The psi to Torr conversion factor is 51.71492032
1 psi = 51.71492032 Torr
To convert X pounds per square inch to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 51.71492032 = Result in toors

The psi to mmHg conversion factor is 51.71492032
1 psi = 51.71492032 mmHg
To convert X pounds per square inch to millimeters of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 51.71492032 = Result in millimeters of mercury

The psi to inHg conversion factor is 2.03602046
1 psi = 2.03602046 inHg
To convert X pounds per square inch to inches of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 2.03602046 = Result in inches of mercury

The psi to kgf/m² conversion factor is 703.06957964
1 psi = 703.06957964 kgf/m²
To convert X pounds per square inch to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 703.06957964 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The psi to psf conversion factor is 144
1 psi = 144 psf
To convert X pounds per square inch to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 144 = Result in pounds per square foot

The psi to kPa conversion factor is 6.89475729
1 psi = 6.89475729 kPa
To convert X pounds per square inch to kilopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 6.89475729 = Result in kilopascals

The psi to hPa conversion factor is 68.94757293
1 psi = 68.94757293 hPa
To convert X pounds per square inch to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 68.94757293 = Result in hectopascals

The psi to Pa conversion factor is 6894.75729317
1 psi = 6894.75729317 Pa
To convert X pounds per square inch to pascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 6894.75729317 = Result in pascals

The psi to bar conversion factor is 0.06894757
1 psi = 0.06894757 bar
To convert X pounds per square inch to bars you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 0.06894757 = Result in bars

The psi to mbar conversion factor is 68.94757293
1 psi = 68.94757293 mbar
To convert X pounds per square inch to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 68.94757293 = Result in millibars

The psi to atm conversion factor is 0.06804596
1 psi = 0.06804596 atm
To convert X pounds per square inch to atmospheres you should use the following conversion formula:
X pounds per square inch × 0.06804596 = Result in atmospheres

Psi conversion chart/table

1 psi = 51.71492032 Torr
1 psi = 51.71492032 mmHg
1 psi = 2.03602046 inHg
1 psi = 703.06957964 kgf/m²
1 psi = 144 psf
1 psi = 6.89475729 kPa
1 psi = 68.94757293 hPa
1 psi = 6894.75729317 Pa
1 psi = 0.06894757 bar
1 psi = 68.94757293 mbar
1 psi = 0.06804596 atm

KPa conversion formulas and factors

The kPa to Torr conversion factor is 7.50061505
1 kPa = 7.50061505 Torr
To convert X kilopascals to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 7.50061505 = Result in toors

The kPa to mmHg conversion factor is 7.50061505
1 kPa = 7.50061505 mmHg
To convert X kilopascals to millimeters of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 7.50061505 = Result in millimeters of mercury

The kPa to inHg conversion factor is 0.2952998
1 kPa = 0.2952998 inHg
To convert X kilopascals to inches of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 0.2952998 = Result in inches of mercury

The kPa to kgf/m² conversion factor is 101.9716213
1 kPa = 101.9716213 kgf/m²
To convert X kilopascals to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 101.9716213 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The kPa to psf conversion factor is 20.88543423
1 kPa = 20.88543423 psf
To convert X kilopascals to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 20.88543423 = Result in pounds per square foot

The kPa to psi conversion factor is 0.14503774
1 kPa = 0.14503774 psi
To convert X kilopascals to pounds per square inch you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 0.14503774 = Result in pounds per square inch

The kPa to hPa conversion factor is 10
1 kPa = 10 hPa
To convert X kilopascals to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 10 = Result in hectopascals

The kPa to Pa conversion factor is 1000
1 kPa = 1000 Pa
To convert X kilopascals to pascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 1000 = Result in pascals

The kPa to bar conversion factor is 0.01
1 kPa = 0.01 bar
To convert X kilopascals to bars you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 0.01 = Result in bars

The kPa to mbar conversion factor is 10
1 kPa = 10 mbar
To convert X kilopascals to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 10 = Result in millibars

The kPa to atm conversion factor is 0.00986923
1 kPa = 0.00986923 atm
To convert X kilopascals to atmospheres you should use the following conversion formula:
X kilopascals × 0.00986923 = Result in atmospheres

KPa conversion chart/table

1 kPa = 7.50061505 Torr
1 kPa = 7.50061505 mmHg
1 kPa = 0.2952998 inHg
1 kPa = 101.9716213 kgf/m²
1 kPa = 20.88543423 psf
1 kPa = 0.14503774 psi
1 kPa = 10 hPa
1 kPa = 1000 Pa
1 kPa = 0.01 bar
1 kPa = 10 mbar
1 kPa = 0.00986923 atm

Pa conversion formulas and factors

The Pa to Torr conversion factor is 0.00750062
1 Pa = 0.00750062 Torr
To convert X pascals to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.00750062 = Result in toors

The Pa to mmHg conversion factor is 0.00750062
1 Pa = 0.00750062 mmHg
To convert X pascals to millimeters of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.00750062 = Result in millimeters of mercury

The Pa to inHg conversion factor is 0.0002953
1 Pa = 0.0002953 inHg
To convert X pascals to inches of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.0002953 = Result in inches of mercury

The Pa to kgf/m² conversion factor is 0.10197162
1 Pa = 0.10197162 kgf/m²
To convert X pascals to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.10197162 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The Pa to psf conversion factor is 0.02088543
1 Pa = 0.02088543 psf
To convert X pascals to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.02088543 = Result in pounds per square foot

The Pa to psi conversion factor is 0.00014504
1 Pa = 0.00014504 psi
To convert X pascals to pounds per square inch you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.00014504 = Result in pounds per square inch

The Pa to kPa conversion factor is 0.001
1 Pa = 0.001 kPa
To convert X pascals to kilopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.001 = Result in kilopascals

The Pa to hPa conversion factor is 0.01
1 Pa = 0.01 hPa
To convert X pascals to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.01 = Result in hectopascals

The Pa to bar conversion factor is 0.00001
1 Pa = 0.00001 bar
To convert X pascals to bars you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.00001 = Result in bars

The Pa to mbar conversion factor is 0.01
1 Pa = 0.01 mbar
To convert X pascals to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.01 = Result in millibars

The Pa to atm conversion factor is 0.00000987
1 Pa = 0.00000987 atm
To convert X pascals to atmospheres you should use the following conversion formula:
X pascals × 0.00000987 = Result in atmospheres

Pa conversion chart/table

1 Pa = 0.00750062 Torr
1 Pa = 0.00750062 mmHg
1 Pa = 0.0002953 inHg
1 Pa = 0.10197162 kgf/m²
1 Pa = 0.02088543 psf
1 Pa = 0.00014504 psi
1 Pa = 0.001 kPa
1 Pa = 0.01 hPa
1 Pa = 0.00001 bar
1 Pa = 0.01 mbar
1 Pa = 0.00000987 atm

Bar conversion formulas and factors

The bar to Torr conversion factor is 750.06150504
1 bar = 750.06150504 Torr
To convert X bars to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 750.06150504 = Result in toors

The bar to mmHg conversion factor is 750.06150504
1 bar = 750.06150504 mmHg
To convert X bars to millimeters of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 750.06150504 = Result in millimeters of mercury

The bar to inHg conversion factor is 29.52998016
1 bar = 29.52998016 inHg
To convert X bars to inches of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 29.52998016 = Result in inches of mercury

The bar to kgf/m² conversion factor is 10197.16212978
1 bar = 10197.16212978 kgf/m²
To convert X bars to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 10197.16212978 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The bar to psf conversion factor is 2088.54342333
1 bar = 2088.54342333 psf
To convert X bars to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 2088.54342333 = Result in pounds per square foot

The bar to psi conversion factor is 14.50377377
1 bar = 14.50377377 psi
To convert X bars to pounds per square inch you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 14.50377377 = Result in pounds per square inch

The bar to kPa conversion factor is 100
1 bar = 100 kPa
To convert X bars to kilopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 100 = Result in kilopascals

The bar to hPa conversion factor is 1000
1 bar = 1000 hPa
To convert X bars to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 1000 = Result in hectopascals

The bar to Pa conversion factor is 100000
1 bar = 100000 Pa
To convert X bars to pascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 100000 = Result in pascals

The bar to mbar conversion factor is 1000
1 bar = 1000 mbar
To convert X bars to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 1000 = Result in millibars

The bar to atm conversion factor is 0.98692327
1 bar = 0.98692327 atm
To convert X bars to atmospheres you should use the following conversion formula:
X bars × 0.98692327 = Result in atmospheres

Bar conversion chart/table

1 bar = 750.06150504 Torr
1 bar = 750.06150504 mmHg
1 bar = 29.52998016 inHg
1 bar = 10197.16212978 kgf/m²
1 bar = 2088.54342333 psf
1 bar = 14.50377377 psi
1 bar = 100 kPa
1 bar = 1000 hPa
1 bar = 100000 Pa
1 bar = 1000 mbar
1 bar = 0.98692327 atm

Atm conversion formulas and factors

The atm to Torr conversion factor is 759.99981999
1 atm = 759.99981999 Torr
To convert X atmospheres to toors you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 759.99981999 = Result in toors

The atm to mmHg conversion factor is 759.99981999
1 atm = 759.99981999 mmHg
To convert X atmospheres to millimeters of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 759.99981999 = Result in millimeters of mercury

The atm to inHg conversion factor is 29.9212524
1 atm = 29.9212524 inHg
To convert X atmospheres to inches of mercury you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 29.9212524 = Result in inches of mercury

The atm to kgf/m² conversion factor is 10332.274528
1 atm = 10332.274528 kgf/m²
To convert X atmospheres to kilograms per square meter you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 10332.274528 = Result in kilograms per square meter

The atm to psf conversion factor is 2116.21662369
1 atm = 2116.21662369 psf
To convert X atmospheres to pounds per square foot you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 2116.21662369 = Result in pounds per square foot

The atm to psi conversion factor is 14.69594878
1 atm = 14.69594878 psi
To convert X atmospheres to pounds per square inch you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 14.69594878 = Result in pounds per square inch

The atm to kPa conversion factor is 101.325
1 atm = 101.325 kPa
To convert X atmospheres to kilopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 101.325 = Result in kilopascals

The atm to hPa conversion factor is 1013.25
1 atm = 1013.25 hPa
To convert X atmospheres to hectopascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 1013.25 = Result in hectopascals

The atm to Pa conversion factor is 101325
1 atm = 101325 Pa
To convert X atmospheres to pascals you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 101325 = Result in pascals

The atm to bar conversion factor is 1.01325
1 atm = 1.01325 bar
To convert X atmospheres to bars you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 1.01325 = Result in bars

The atm to mbar conversion factor is 1013.25
1 atm = 1013.25 mbar
To convert X atmospheres to millibars you should use the following conversion formula:
X atmospheres × 1013.25 = Result in millibars

Atm conversion chart/table

1 atm = 759.99981999 Torr
1 atm = 759.99981999 mmHg
1 atm = 29.9212524 inHg
1 atm = 10332.274528 kgf/m²
1 atm = 2116.21662369 psf
1 atm = 14.69594878 psi
1 atm = 101.325 kPa
1 atm = 1013.25 hPa
1 atm = 101325 Pa
1 atm = 1.01325 bar
1 atm = 1013.25 mbar

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